Bournehall Primary School

Inspiring a Love of Learning


Bournehall Avenue, Bushey, Hertfordshire WD23 3AX

020 8950 4438


 Year 3 2021 - 2022

Class Teacher:  Miss Grover

Teaching Assistant Miss Lyons

Please read our Year 3 summer term letter and curriculum overview.


Homework will be posted on Google Classroom on Thursdays. Please use Go Read as an electronic reading record.


Please don't hesitate to contact me at 

Here is an album from our archive:

Year 3 2020 - 2021. Here you can see our learning from last year.

Have a look to see what you might get up to in Year 3!

Find recommended resources on the home learning page (see above).

In history, we will be learning about the Roman Empire and its impact on Britain.

As historians, we will explore these key questions and skills. Here is a knowledge organiser.

World Book Day 2022

In English, we focused our writing around Leon and the Place Between by Angela McAllister. In this magical story, Leon is transported into a mysterious world. 

We created persuasive posters, persuasive speeches and diary entries. We also used prepositional phrases to write descriptions.

In our guided writing sessions, we studied Little Wolfie - an alternative fairy tale based on Little Red Riding Hood. Then, we wrote our own stories. Go to the Year 3 gallery to take a closer look at our writing.

We read the poem, 'If I were in Charge...'  by Judith Viorst.  Then, we wrote our own poems titled 'If I Were in Charge of the School...'

As artists, we made pop art inspired by Romero Britto. We also created block prints inspired by the designs of William Morris.

We had an exciting Stone Age experience where we learnt about hunting, gathering, tools and weapons. Please enjoy this video:

As historians and writers, we wrote our own versions of Stone Age Boy. See a photo of our sentence stacking below.

We then wrote sequels independently, in which a person from the Neolithic Stone Age was transported into 2021!

Year 3 had a fantastic day at Bushey Museum learning about local history and art. We also had a lovely picnic at Bushey Rose Garden.

As biologists, we are learning about animals including humans. We will be focusing on nutrition, skeletons and muscles. Here is some useful vocabulary.

As geographers, we went on a walk around the local area. We used a likert scale and traffic survey as part of our field work. Back at school, we made our own maps and added symbols to show schools, shops and green spaces.

As physicists, we explored light and dark. We focused on reflections, shadows and the effect of UV light from the sun. Here is some useful vocabulary. Have a look at some of our learning below.

As chemists, we investigated rocks and soils in the autumn term. Here is some useful vocabulary.

Please enjoy the video of some of our science investigations and work from the term...

As mathematicans, we continuously practise our arithmetic skills. We have been thinking about choosing  efficient strategies for different types of questions e.g. column method or mental maths.

Year 3 Class Blog

Welcome Back To School - Year 3!

Miss Grover ( on: Year 3 Class Blog

Welcome to our Year 3 class page for the 2022-2023 school year. I am really excited to get to know you all and share lots of learning and fun together this year. What would you like to learn in Year 3?


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D and T - tasting dips

Miss Grover ( on: Year 3 Class Blog

In D and T we will be designing and making our own dips. First, we had to do some research! We tasted tzatziki, houmous, salsa, guacamole and taramasalata. Which dip was your favourite? Were you surprised by any of the ingredients?

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World Book Day 2022

Miss Grover ( on: Year 3 Class Blog

Year 3 loved celebrating World Book Day with our bedtime stories theme! Please have a look at the photos in our video here: World Book Day 2022.mp4

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Writing Instructions

Miss Grover ( on: Year 3 Class Blog

This week we are writing instructions. We are focusing on using time adverbials and imperative verbs. We started the week by writing instructions for our own potions... What would you put in your potion? What magical effect would your potion have?

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Rocks and Soils

Miss Grover ( on: Year 3 Class Blog

Year 3 have been captivated by our learning about rocks and soils this term. Here you can see some of our investigations and writing. Please leave a comment to tell us the most fascinating fact you have learned! 

Rocks, Soils and Fossils

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