Class Teacher: Mrs Desmond
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Dickson and Mrs Abbott (HLTA)
Please see the attached Spring term welcome letter and Spring term overview to see some of the exciting learning we have planned for this term.
Please check Google Classroom for details of current home learning tasks.
Maths - a weekly task is set on Google Classroom
Children are expected to read each day. They should keep a record of their reading throughout Year 6 on BoomRead at least 3 times each week.
Reading Comprehension - a weekly task is set on Google Classroom
Times tables - children should continue to practise their times tables on Times Tables Rock Stars
Click on the link below to see a list of recommended reads for children in Year 6.
We have many of these books in our school library so don't forget to visit us at lunchtime to check.
We love books!
Take a look at our current class novel and books we have shared so far this year.