Bournehall Primary School

Inspiring a Love of Learning


Bournehall Avenue, Bushey, Hertfordshire WD23 3AX

020 8950 4438


Year 3 Home Learning:

Home Learning will be available on Google Classroom. On this page, you will find additional resources.

Spelling Resources: 

Spelling Frame has brilliant games to reinforce the learning of spelling patterns and High Frequency/ Common Exception Words.


Here are some useful word lists:

High Frequency Words:

Year 1/2 Common Exception Words

Year 3/4 Common Exception Words

Fun Spelling Practice Ideas


When you read at home, log your reading on Go Read (now known as Boom Reader). You can log books from home as well as books from school.


Reading VIPERS gives lots of examples of questions to discuss while reading. These will help children develop the comprehension skills of Vocabulary, Inference, Prediction, Explanation, Retrieval and Summary.

Oxford Owl has a huge ebook library among other resources. You just need to create a few account.

Reading Eggspress also has a library as well as our homework activities.


Our maths homework is generally set on Mathletics.

This half term, we will consolidate key number concepts from Year 2 and then move onto place value within 1000. We will also be working on mental addition and subtraction strategies. See examples below.

Maths Frame has a good game for practising times tables. You can choose which times tables to practise and how many seconds you want to be given to answer them.

Top Marks have lots of educational maths games. 

Risky is a card game you can play together, which helps children to practise mental addition strategies. You will need a pack of playing cards.

To consolidate your knowledge of Place Value, you could play Crooked Rules. You will need a ten-sided dice (or an online number generator), pencil and paper to play.